Farrah Khan announces run for Irvine City Council

Farrah Khan
Farrah Khan
Farrah Khan

We received this note from Farrah Khan about her decision to run for Irvine City Council:

I wanted to share with you my intent to run for Irvine City Council.  I have thought long and hard before making this decision, it wasn’t easy, but I feel it is very necessary.  With my knowledge of Irvine, its politics and its current situation – I feel the Council needs a sound voice that does not bring with it baggage from the past.

Many of you know me well and also know how committed I am to every member of the Irvine community.  My campaign is a grassroots campaign that will be built by community members like you:  residents, students, employees, small business owners, corporations, religious and non-profit organizations.  Each one of you has a stake in the upcoming 2016 local election and I urge to you participate.

Today, I have 3 asks of you:

  1.  If you don’t know me personally, get to know me.  Don’t rely on what you hear from others.  Call me, email me, FB me, I am here for you and don’t mind answering your questions.  My whole life has been based on integrity, it’s not a popular way of life, but it is one I am content with.
  2.  In order to get the required endorsements and momentum to win, I need your help.  Right now, I need to get 50,000 mailers out to Irvine residents – can you help me by contributing $25 to my campaign?  If you are able to contribute more, please do.  The maximum I can take from any individual is $470, $940 from couples.
  3.  Will you be willing to volunteer? There are plenty of things to do from making phone calls to hosting Meet & Greets.  It’s flexible and you can set your own schedule.


Please visit Farrah N. Khan | Candidate, Irvine Council Member | Irvine CA to find out more about me, to contribute and to sign up to volunteer.