Loretta Sanchez Gets Married

Rep. Loretta Sanchez and retired Army Col. Jack Einwechter are married Saturday by U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter. Photo courtesy of Lou Delgado.

On Saturday, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez tied the knot with Jack Einwechter, a retired Army Colonel, in a private Santa Ana ceremony. The nuptials were presided over by Federal Court Judge Davis O. Carter.

Rep. Loretta Sanchez and retired Army Col. Jack Einwechter are married Saturday by U.S. District Court Judge David O. Carter. Photo courtesy of Lou Delgado.

Our congratulations go out to Loretta and Jack.

The OC Register’s Martin Wisckol wrote this story with more details about Jack Einwechter.

Photo: Courtesy Lou Delgado, Spotlight Photography


  1. Chris and I both met Jack last July at a fundraiser for Loretta last year. Many years of happiness to both of them!

  2. It was a really fun, intimate event. The only folks I recognized beside Lo, Jack and her sister Linda, were Sharon Quirk-Silva, Tom Daly, and Wylie Aiken. Of course I played the piano.

    Jack was a Guantanamo prosecutor for the Army. We had a fascinating conversation over lunch at the Claim Jumper. He insists that all prisoner abuse was done by the CIA, not military guys like him. He was the lead prosecutor in the Hamdan case which went to the Supreme Court.

    • Oh, and of course my buddy photographer Lou Delgado was there.

      I don’t know why Marty’s article didn’t mention the fascinating Guantanamo stuff. Maybe he never got to meet Jack.

  3. Sure hope you were paid well Vern. Still waiting to hear from you on the payment plan… 😉

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