Vacation Edition: Pot calls Kettle Black

Today’s Flash Report rant by Jon Fleschman is critical of assembly speaker Fabian Nunez being on vacation in Europe while the California state budget is being held up by Republicans in the Senate at the urging on the Flash Report (not nearly the influencial blog the MSM would have you believe).

So Jon wants to complain about vacation time.  While he worked for Mike Carona at the Sherriff’s Department, Jon was famous for allegedly taking 15-minute blocks of vacation time or extended work breaks to deal with political work not related to his job on the taxpayer’s dime. 

Jon wants to complain about the speaker’s vacation.  Fine.  Let’s take a look at those timesheets for the last few years in the Sherriff’s Department, Bub.  As a taxpayer, I want to know that my county workers are doing the job they are paid to do and not working politics on my dime.   

Jon Fleischman is the last person who should complain about vacation time.  I don’t recall Jon criticising Bush being in the ranch or Condi shopping for shoes in NYC when Katrina hit.    

Deal with it; the budget is in crisis due to bad faith bargaining by the Republicans for the past several months.  Favbian got a budget passed in the assembly; now Perata and Ackerman need to work together to make it happen.  Two Republicans need to flip.  And then ther Governor will blueline cuts to balance it out.  This is all about who will be loyal to the party and not to the people.